The Lifelong Learning Centre - Ionian University was established by the decision of the Minister of Education, Research and Religious Affairs (Government Gazette 1149/29-03-2018 issue B.) in the framework of Law 4485/4-8-2017, which stipulates as the basic mission of HEIs their contribution to "lifelong learning with modern teaching methods, including distance teaching, based on scientific and technological research at the highest level of quality according to internationally recognized criteria".
According to the above framework Law, in the Lifelong Learning Centre - Ionian University programs are carried out with the aim of organizing, developing and providing training programs, non-formal learning, continuing vocational training, re-skilling, upgrading skills, general adult education, counseling and career guidance and in general lifelong learning programs for students and graduates of higher education institutions, and the general population, as well as the enhancement of adult education and training based on teaching objectives and the achievement of specific learning outcomes, in accordance with European and international standards.