Implementation Method

The programmes carried out at the Lifelong Learning Centre - Ionian University, depending on the method of implementation, may be:
In-person programmes, which are implemented with a structured curriculum, in a specific place with a clear duration and timetable.
Distance learning programmes, which are implemented purely through the use of Distance Learning Methods with a specific platform, educational material adapted to this method and appropriate evaluation and monitoring procedures for the trainees.

Modern distance learning offers the immediacy of contact between the instructor and learners through communication applications (e.g. Zoom, Webex, etc.). Although learners are not in the same physical space as the instructor, they can have voice and visual communication with the instructor, thus removing the constraints of distance.

In asynchronous distance learning, the learner learns at a different time from the process of delivering or creating the course. A typical example of an asynchronous tele-education platform at the Lifelong Learning Centre - Ionian University is
It includes a range of tools, such as the provision of educational material, support for instructor-trainee communication and discussion, assignment of tasks to trainees, support and management of e-learning courses.
The Lifelong Learning Centre - Ionian University encourages and urges lecturers to extend modern teaching and to use the Open eClass platform by enriching their courses a) with additional educational material in electronic form (course slides, notes, articles, web resources, YouTube videos, etc. b) by assigning learners exercises, short activities or assignments, in order to reinforce their knowledge and deepen their understanding of important topics in the content of each lesson.

Mixed programmes combining face-to-face and distance learning. The learning material and the way of monitoring and evaluation are adapted to both forms of learning and a specific distance learning platform is used.

Updated: 29-11-2024
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