This program is supported by the UNESCO Chair for the Threats against Cultural Heritage and Cultural Heritage-related Activities (TCHER), and participants who complete the course will receive an official vocational skills training certificate and 15 ECTS credits. Registration Date Deadline: 28-02-2025.
We inform you that on Wednesday 05/06/2024 at 09:00, the scheduled upgrade of the platform will begin. The upgrade will be completed by 16:00 of the same day.
On Saturday, February 3, 2024, from 10:00 to 16:00, a 6-hour specialized training seminar will take place at the SiLICON Urban Ecosystem training center on: "Hotel management and F&B department" by Mr. Argyris Daouliaris, founder of A certificate of attendance will be given by IST College.
A seminar entitled "Counseling and Career Guidance for Employees" is organized by Silicon Urban Ecosystem, on December 20, 2023, 16:00-21:00 and it will take place at the innovative space of Silicon urban ecosystem, in the center of Corfu.
An online meeting via Zoom between Professor Ilias Yarenis, Vice Rector and President of the KEDIVIM of the Ionian University, and Mr Angelos Kostaras, President of the Alumni Association of the Ionian University, took place.
[Professional Development Programme] 'Piano Pedagogy and Contemporary Approaches: Improvisation, Group Piano, Inclusion, Contemporary Repertoire, Child Psychology and Piano Pedagogy" [3rd cycle, 2023-2024] Registration Deadline: 30-09-2023
The KEDIVIM Centre of the Ionian University organizes a training programme entitled "Ionian Culture: letters, arts, monuments, society, economy, law (14th-20th century)", for the period October 18, 2023 to July 3, 2024.
This exciting summer school focuses on various types of seafarers in ancient Greece, from pirates to sailors and colonizers. It explores their roles in mythical journeys, the colonization process, and naval battles from the Archaic to the Hellenistic age. Emphasis will be given to maritime religion, economy, and landscape. The program will also take advantage of the location of Corfu incorporating trips to islands and
locations of sea-battles and inquiring about the role of ancient Corcyra in seafaring. Through a combination of in-class lectures and on-site teaching the students will be able to gain a deep understanding of the history of seafaring and to explore various aspects of the life of islanders in the ancient world. The students will also establish a good foundation in ancient Greek History, Art, and Religion.
The New Operating Regulations of the KEDIVIM of the Ionian University was published on April 18, 2023 (Government Gazette Vol. B' 2499/18-04-2023) and posted on the Internal Regulation page of the KEDIVIM
Within the framework of the actions of the Lifelong Learning Centre of the Ionian University, a repeat cycle of the distance learning programme entitled "Digital technology in music-sound education for children and adults" will be implemented.
IONIAN UNIVERSITY participates with OPEN ART, an Education and Lifelong Learning program (KEDIVIM) in the 18th Athens Digital Arts Festival together with the School of Fine Arts, Shenyang University and National Chengchi University from China.
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