In accordance with the institutional framework, a Registry of Adult Educators is formed at the Centre under the supervision of the Director of the Lifelong Learning Centre – Ionian University.
For the implementation of the training and lifelong learning programmes, each Scientific Officer proceeds either with a public call for expressions of interest or with an invitation to the trainers included in the Register. Each call for projects shall specify the thematic areas and the specific criteria to be used for the classification of candidates. Interested candidates shall submit an application in accordance with the terms of the call, shall be assessed on the basis of the criteria set out in the call and selected according to the final ranking.
The Register remains continuously open in order to meet the needs of the programmes and to continuously improve the training staff through the enrichment of the Register.
Applications are submitted in two stages. The first stage involves an online application in which the interested person fills in information - educational, professional and teaching profile - and selects the subject areas to which he/she can respond. In the second stage, the applicant submits the required documents in paper form to the Special Account for Research Funds-IU.
Further information, as well as the requirements for joining the Register, are described in the Instructors' Register Regulation.