Internal Regulation

Reform of the Rules of Procedure of the  Lifelong Learning Centre– Ionian University

The Lifelong Learning Centre–Ionian University was established according to the decision of the Senate of the University as an Independent Unit of the University and has separate administrative bodies from those of the Foundation based on the national and European institutional framework for Lifelong Learning (article 112 of Law 4957/2022, as amended by Law 5094/2024). The ministerial decision to establish the Lifelong Learning Centre–Ionian University was published in the Government Gazette, issue B, no. 1149 and dated 29 March 2018 (B' 1149) and revised by Vol. Bulletin  2499 on 18 April 2023.

Every action of the University and its members, which concerns further education, continuing education, training, and in general Lifelong Learning is carried out through the Lifelong Learning Centre–Ionian University and is governed by the rules set by the institutional framework, the Senate and these Regulations.
The Centre may organise and carry out non-formal education study programmes leading to the award of the corresponding certificates, as well as any form of work related to Lifelong Learning.

Updated: 29-11-2024
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