Εγγραφή στο Μητρώο Εκπαιδευτών
Administrative Strucutre and Staff

3. Administration and Responsibilities - Structure

3.1 Administration 
The administration of KEDIVIM of the Ionian University are: 
a. The Council of KEDIVIM 
b. The President of the Council of KEDIVIM

3.2 The Council of K.E.DI.BI.M. of the Ionian University is constituted by decision of the Senate, and consists of: 
a. the President of the Council of KEDIVIM
b. the members of the Council of KEDIVIM
c. the Director of Training and Lifelong Learning, without voting rights.

3.3 The President of the Council of the K.E.DI.BI.M. is the Vice Rector of the Ionian University. 
The President of the Ionian University is the Vice-Chancellor of the Ionian University to whom the relevant responsibility has been assigned, following the proposal of the Rector and approval of the Senate. The powers of the President are defined in article 116 of the law. 4957/2022 (Α΄ 141).

3.4 The members of the Council of the C.E.DI.BI.M. are one representative from each Faculty of the Foundation as a full member and one as an alternate member, who are appointed by the Senate, following a proposal of the Dean's Office of the relevant Faculty. The responsibilities of the Council of the K.E.DI.BI.M. are defined in Article 115 of the Law. 4957/2022 (Α΄ 141).

3.5. The Director of Training and Lifelong Learning is appointed by decision of the Senate. The responsibilities of the Director of Training and Lifelong Learning are defined in para. 3 of article 117 of Law 117. 4957/2022 (Α΄ 141).

3.6 The term of office of the members of the Council of the K.E.DI.VI.M. is three years. The Council meets regularly in order to be informed about the operation of the Centre, to recommend the approval of the programmes submitted by the Scientific Directors, to check the relevance of the programmes to the modules of the fields of knowledge and to ensure that any problems arising are dealt with in a timely manner. Meetings of the Council shall be held at the invitation of the President to the members of the Council and a majority of the members shall be required for decisions to be taken. In the event of a tie, the President shall have the casting vote.

Updated: 16-10-2024

Support Staff

Marinos Moyzakitis
Moyzakitis Marinos
Theodora Valerianou
Valerianou Theodora
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