Training Certification
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Successful completion of a programme leads to the award of a certificate of completion. The structure of the certificates is specific to each type of programme, face-to-face, distance or blended, and will be signed by the President of the Centre and will follow the procedures laid down by the institutional framework for lifelong learning. In addition, in specific cases of short courses which do not lead to the award of a certificate of training, a certificate of attendance signed by the Scientific Officer of the project may be issued. In accordance with the terms of each training programme, a certificate of attendance may also be issued in cases where a person has attended but not completed the entire programme. In the case of cooperation with other bodies, the following models may be modified by decision of the Council of the Centre. The Lifelong Learning Centre – Ionian University shall award the following certificates, indicating the method of implementation of the programme:

1. Certificate of Specialised Training, which shall include the following elements
2. Certificate of Continuing Vocational Education and Training
3. Certificate of Continuing Vocational Training
4. Certificate of Attendance.

Updated: 29-11-2024
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