For the implementation of the training and lifelong learning programmes, each Scientific Officer proceeds with an invitation to the trainers included in the Register. The invitation is posted on the Centre's website and provides for the possibility to apply to faculty members, members of the Special Educational Personnel, Laboratory Teaching Personnel and Special Technical Personnel, and retired professors of the Ionian University, who are exempt from the obligation to join the Registry. In special cases where the Instructors included in the Register do not meet the needs of a programme, the Scientific Officer will proceed with a public call for expressions of interest. Each call for programmes shall specify the subject areas, the elements defining the availability requirements for trainers and the specific criteria to be used for the ranking of candidates. Interested applicants shall submit an application form, as specified in the call in accordance with its terms, shall be evaluated on the basis of the criteria set out in the call and ranked by a panel of three proposed by the Scientific Director and appointed by the Council. The ranking list shall be published after its approval by the Council on the website of the Special Account for Research Funds and the Centre and shall be communicated to the Research Committee for the conclusion of the relevant contracts. Any request for redress against the establishment plan shall be dealt with in accordance with the rules applicable to the calls for staff issued by the Special Account for Research Funds.