Call for expression of interest in the context of the program entitled "OPEN ART 2"

Posted: 27-04-2021 12:23 | Views: 2501

Invitation for expression of interest to the Registry of Trainers of the Training and Lifelong Learning Center (K.E.DI.VI.M.) of the Ionian University

The Council of the Training and Lifelong Learning Center of the Ionian University in the framework of the program entitled: "OPEN ART 2" after decision No. 6/22.04.2021 acc. year 2020-21 Meeting of its members, invites interested parties to submit proposals for the conclusion of project lease contracts: - for one (1) subject in the Thematic Field: "Digital Arts" - for one (1) subject in the Thematic Field: "Cinema » in accordance with the provisions of article 48 and article 64 of Law 4485/2017 which replaced Law 679/96.

Right to Submit an Expression of Interest: The invitation is addressed to those included in the Register of Trainers of K.E.DI.VI.M. Ionian University and in particular to those who are or will be included in the thematic fields mentioned below, until the closing date of this. The invitation also provides for the possibility of submitting an application to members of the Faculty, EDIP, EEP, ETEP and retired Professors of the Ionian University, who are exempt from the obligation to be included in the Register. All of the above must meet the qualifications required by the invitation.

Scientific Supervisor: Angelos Floros, Assistant Professor
Program Type in terms of Implementation Method: Distance learning
The program is offered in the Greek language.

Subject Area: Cinema
Project description (1): Teaching work and educational support of learners including: preparation of teaching materials, creation of presentation slides, electronic communication to solve queries, preparation and determination of questions for assessment tests/assignments, correction and grading of the respective assessment tests/assignments and specifically for the teaching module of short films with 3 subsections of the Educational Program: a) Writing a Short Script b) Designing Short Films, c) Producing Short Films

Subject Area: Digital Arts
Project description (2): Teaching work and educational support of learners including: preparation of teaching materials, creation of presentation slides, electronic communication to solve queries, preparation and determination of questions for assessment tests/assignments, correction and grading of the respective assessment tests/assignments and specifically for the didactic unit of the Educational Program: Writing Digital Art Artistic Proposals.

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