Participation in the OPEN ART Training Program of KEDIVIM of Ionian University at the 18th Athens Digital Arts Festival

Posted: 27-05-2022 09:48 | Views: 594

The IONIAN UNIVERSITY participates with OPEN ART, an Education and Lifelong Learning program (KEDIVIM) in the 18th Athens Digital Arts Festival together with the School of Fine Arts, Shenyang University and National Chengchi University from China.

ADAF with the participation of the four Universities launches its new ACADEMIC COLLABORATIONS theme. Student works are on display on the 5th floor of the former NotosHome on Straight Street, Kotzia Square from *Wednesday May 25 until Sunday May 29*.

OPEN ART presents two entries, 'The Art of Listening' and 'Sound Environments' with the common theme of 'PHYSICAL HISTORY'. The works were respectively edited by Giorgis Sakellariou, composer of electro-acoustic music, official guest of OPEN ART and Angelos Floros, Assistant Professor of the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University.

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