Εγγραφή στο Μητρώο Εκπαιδευτών

In accordance with the institutional framework, a Register of Adult Trainers is established at the Centre, under the responsibility of the Director of KEDIVIM.

For the implementation of the training and lifelong learning programmes, each Scientific Coordinator proceeds either with a public call for expressions of interest or with an invitation to the trainers included in the Register. Each call for projects shall specify the thematic areas and the specific criteria to be used for the classification of candidates. Interested candidates shall submit an application in accordance with the terms of the call, shall be assessed on the basis of the criteria set out in the call and selected according to the final ranking.

The Register remains continuously open in order to meet the needs of the programmes and to continuously improve the training staff through the enrichment of the Register.

Updated: 09-07-2024
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