Εγγραφή στο Μητρώο Εκπαιδευτών
National Standard

The importance given by the state to Lifelong Learning and in particular to initial and continuing education and training was expressed at three levels with the following institutional measures:

At the symbolic level with the renaming of the Operational Programme of the Ministries of Education and Labour to "Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning", as well as with the corresponding strengthening of the role and responsibilities of the General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning of the Ministry of Education.
At the coordination level, by assigning the responsibility for the planning and coordination of actions as well as the administrative interface (by means of Decree 24/2010) to the Ministry of Education.
At the institutional level, with the adoption in September 2010 of Law 3879/2010 "Development of Lifelong Learning", as well as with the adoption in August 2017 of Law 4485/2017, according to which HEIs have, among other things, the mission to contribute to Lifelong Learning.

Updated: 05-07-2024
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